New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

December 8, 2009

Another Circle

I tried another circle. After making several of the Drunkard's Path blocks I thought I would try this. I don't quite have it down pat yet but I am working on it. I like the way this one came out. I don't seem to be able to keep a consistent seam allowance when "rounding" the curve but they have all come out OK. I have to trim my block to 6 inches from a 6 1/2 template. They seem to be a bit wavy at the edges but they are cut on the bias and I think I stretch them a bit too much but I am getting better at it.

Also a look at today's weather. I know a lot of people in different parts of the country have gotten a lot more snow than this but it is still coming down and the winds are expected to read the 40 mph stage later tonight with more snow. Looks like a good time to prefect those circles.


Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness! I just cannot imagine. Living in the deep south I think my blood is too thin to brave weather like that! Keep working on those circles :-)

Hazel said...

Oh my goodness Brrrrr . That storm is suppose to hit here tomorrow I hope we don't get that much .

Molly said...

It looks like you are getting the hang of those circles pretty well. It is snowing here, 9* and wind chill of -13*. Am I going outside? NO WAY!! You stay in and just "go in circles". Take care my friend

Quiltluver said...

We're supposed to get 1-2" tonight. It will be our first real snow so far. But it will change to rain tomorrow, so it will probably stick around only long enough to screw up the morning commute. Never tried circles before... Karen

Susan said...

One of my friends has been using a circle stitcher attachment for her sewing machine and has had good luck with it. It might be something that you would be interested in. See her post about it here...

The snow is supposed to get here late tonight...2-4 inches for us and then changing over to rain. Yuck!

Kathleen said...

Excellent idea to stay in and sew. Stay warm!

Anonymous said...


I am absolutely impressed with the circle! Oh my, that snow!!! I don't think I have ever seen that much snow in my whole life!