New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

February 17, 2010

I Give Up--------I Think

OK, here is one of the other sets of the BOM, ugh! These really were not as bad to do but I still had some trouble with them and not all my seams match and on and on. I think I am also missing a month of blocks. I think the block is supposed to be a 12 inch block, well let's hope so because these have been so wacky that I had to trim them to 12 inches. One of the blocks I am not sure if I will be able to because of the flying geese on the outside portion of the block. Needless to say, I am thinking this is destined to be a permanent UFO. One of the blocks is a log cabin made out of 5 inch charms. You cut the width and then piece those together to get the length. On one of them you have to piece an extra 1/2 inch to get the length you need for that strip. For now I am done with this BOM and moving on to another project.


Anne D said...

I think it is a good idea to leave this BOM for now. You might want to come back to it one day. Quilting is meant to be fun so stop when it is not.

Angela said...

How many blocks per month were there? Maybe you could use the blocks to make table mats or small quilts for donation?
You are right tho, if the project is frustrating you, it is time to put it aside, at least for awhile! :o)

Lane said...

I am the same way. I can only work on something for so long before I have to put it away, especially if it's frustrating me. That pinwheel quilt I was working on was giving me similar problems, so I stopped a couple of times during it for a couple of days each. Then, I could work on it with a clear head and a joyful heart for a while. But, when I finally got it together, I hung it in the closet because I don't even want to look at it for a while. I always have 2 or 3 projects going for exactly that reason. I get frustrated or bored and have to work on something else for a while. Lane

Anonymous said...


Yes, I think working on something else is a marvelous idea! :0) This frustrating quilt will work itself out in the end... :)

Have a lovely day!


SpinningStar said...

I agree - switch to something more fun and eventually change the purpose from a larger quilt to something small that can be donated.


cottonreel said...

Put it away for a while and come back to it another time---------------cottonreel

Fresh Poppy Design said...

They look great from the pics! I hate getting off on my measurements, good luck :)

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the kind words on my quilt! :) I am still on cloud nine, I think! :)

I hope you are doing well. Are you getting any sewing done?

Kathleen said...

Go ahead, put it away and don't worry about it. Some day you'll be in the mood to work on it and then you'll wonder whatever was the big deal. Move on to something else and have some fun!