New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

September 18, 2009

BOM # 2

I picked up my second month of the block of the month. This is going to be a checkerboard square. It is neat how they have you sew it. You sew the two squares on opposite sides then cut up the middle. Put two of those pieces together and sew on opposite sides and you have a four patch. I had never seen it done like that but it is working out well. Some of the color combinations I didn't care for. I got a bit too much orange in my pack to suit me but I guess it will all work out in the end. It is just hard for me to "match up" colors but then again maybe I am being too fussy! I will post a photo of the squares when I get them done. In the meantime I am trying to work on another quilt for one of my other grandson's. I will be sewing like crazy here untill I get these BOM's done. I thought one day the BOM's and one day for my grandson. I am anxious to get his done as it is getting cold there and he could use it now. And I still have to quilt the star quilt for Little G. Yikes, I better get back to the machine.


Amy said...

WHAT?! you stopped sewing to show us fabric???? dang u woman.haha I been doing the checkerboard for my big block quilt. I like the colors ya got, ya never know what they will look like when put in the quilt.might surprise ya!! I have to put the pic of that squirel on here to see if they turned to ya soon,Amy

Cheryl Willis said...

For checkerboard, I usually just sew strips, sub-cut and sew the 4-patch. I use your method when working on pre-cut sqs (from other projects or ones in sets from the stash) anyway instead of cuttin the 2nd sq exact, I can use up odd shape scraps that are same size or larger. Use the method you described and trim after I sew the block. I am working on a Pick and Choose block and am using a packet of sqs that was gifted to me from someones g-ma's stash. Turning out great. I sq up the 4-patch. cw

Quiltluver said...

I've never tried that method of making a 4 patch. I have a quilt that calls for a bunch of HST's for the background. Since I don't like HST's, I thought I would sew some strips or blocks together, cross cut in different sizes and sew together again. I think that would make a more interesting background. Karen

Ivory Spring said...

I am very curious how this block is going to look! Happy Quilting.