New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

September 15, 2009

Free Motion Quilted Doll Quilt

Yup, I got brave and did the free motion quilting on this doll quilt for my granddaughter. The quilt is made of the scraps from the quilt that I made her a little while ago. You can click on the labels for this post to see it.

I didn't do that great of a job on the free motion quilting but it certainly was easier than I thought it would be. I had problems keeping the rhythm but I think I will get it in time. It was a lot of fun and I plan on doing a lot more of it. Also I need to keep my stitches an even length as much as possible but all in all it turned out great. At least I think it did. Don't look too closely at the stitches. LOL

The little bunny I got at a garage sale and thought I would put that in the package to send with the quilt. I think she will like that. Thanks for looking.


Amy said...

The picture does not do the quilt justice! it is gorgeous and I do not think her dolly will mind if the stitches are even,, don't sweat the small stuff.see ya soon

Hazel said...

What a pretty quilt ,the free motion will come with practice ,I think you did a great job .

Dawn N. said...

I love it! So cute!!!

Auntie Em said...

That is such a sweet quilt! I'm at about the same stage as you with the free motion quilting...still getting the hang of it, but trying to get more practice. Bravo!

Ivory Spring said...

What a sweet sweet quilt this is! The colors are just fabulous!

Good job on giving free-motion quilting a try! :) I find that slowing the stitching down really helps with the rhythm and the stitches.

Have a lovely day. Oh, and thank you for visiting me and leaving the kind comments on my quilts :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on hand vs machine quilting. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

Thanks also for your encouraging words on my quilts!

Have a great weekend.

Kathleen said...

Such a pretty quilt. And you did great on the quilting. You are right, it'll get easier each time... and it'll be even more fun (if you can believe that!)