New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Carving...

Here is a great site for all you pumpkin fans. Lots of info about carving a pumpkin but before you read those please look at the pictures of this man's carvings. They are amazing. He does have a little statement on there saying that as it gets closer to the 31st of October the site gets really busy so if you don't get there the first time try again.


Quiltluver said...

You're right. Those carvings are amazing. Karen

DeAnna said...

Wow...those are stunning. And look how many years he has been doing them. Thanks for sharing. I'm sending the web site to my daughter. She will love it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your encouraging words on my needleturn applique - I have always said that I would never quilt anything by hand.... famous last words, as clumsy as I am with the technique, I have actually enjoyed it! :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha - that "rat" in my sample reminds me of your pack rat posts!!

Vesuviusmama said...

Very cool! Now I'm a little intimidated about posting photos of the pumpkins the kids and I did with triangle noses and two teeth.