New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

November 4, 2009

Embroidered Pillow Cases

My dear daughter wanted some white flannel pillow cases with a grey motif embroidered on them. She found the motif she wanted...

They did theirs on an already made pillow case but I figured I would have a hard time finding a white flannel pillow case so I went to Joanns and got some white flannel on sale. I looked up on the internet how to make a pillow case, lots of ideas there. Then I had to figure out the whole left/right mirror image thing. I had to do one embroidery over again because I got it on upside down but it finally all worked out. I thought the grey satin ribbon across them would look nice.They turned out just great and they are on their way to my dear daughter. Enjoy them sweetie.


Angela said...

Lovely! Great job! I am sure she will love them!

Vesuviusmama said...

Great idea! I've never made pillowcases, but it looks manageable. I've never done embroidery, but it is on my list of things to learn. I'm sure she'll love these - I would!

Quiltluver said...

Those turned out very pretty. I like that embroidery pattern. Karen

SewCalGal said...

Beautiful pillowcase and embroidery. You did a great job. I love it. Inspirational.

Thanks for sharing.


Marlene said...

Love that little embroidery. Those pillowcases are delightful. I'm sure your daughter will love them-and her mum for making them!

Auntie Em said...

Those are so pretty! Love that satin you added. Be sure to tell your daughter to use them and not put them away because they are too pretty to use. ;-)

Ivory Spring said...

This turned out really pretty indeed.

Mamma Bears Fault said...

Ooh, I want a set! I'd be happy to send you my address! :) As usual, you do beautiful work - these very pretty and classy!

And I agree with Auntie Em - make sure your daughter uses them! I have a set that my grandmother embroidered for me, sometimes I pause before using them because I want them to "last", but there's a great comfort and love felt when I do use them! Take Care - Elizabeth