New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

August 2, 2008

A Nice Idea!

Some time ago I read some where on the Internet about a lady that had a great storage idea for her silk ribbon. She said that she had stored her ribbon on toilet paper rolls for the longest time till her husband made some nice wooden spool type holders. They were really nice but you would have to have a lathe to make them.

I have been pondering this for a long time and trying to figure out how I could store my ribbons. You iron them and then put them on some piece of cardboard and then they are all crinkled in places and you have to iron them again. So something round was the right answer. Well the other day I ended my plastic wrap roll and the roll in there was nice a sturdy. To me the toilet paper or paper towel rolls were just too flimsy. Then this morning my husband and I were talking and I said what about some PVC pipe. So he gets some we had left over and cut a small piece of it so I washed it off and then dried it knowing I would have to be careful of the rough edges.

I took a piece of ribbon and put a small piece of scotch tape at the end and then wrapped it around the pipe and when I was done I staggered the end a bit and put another small piece of tape on the end to hold it on there. My husband will cut some more pieces of pipe when he has time. I think it will work out great because I can iron the ribbon and then just wind it on the pipe and cut off what I need when I need it and it won't be crinkled in places. When you dye your own ribbon you get ahead of yourself in the amount of ribbon you need and I have quite a bit of purchased ribbon as well and I need some way to store it. I think this is the answer.

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