New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

March 2, 2012

7 Months Late...

These little mug rugs took me 7 months to finish off. I would have had them done earlier but I was gone all summer and just started to get back to sewing in January. The first thing I did was finish these up and send them off in the mail. In fact I had them all in the envelopes and ready to go then remembered to take a photo of them.

Happy Friday everyone!


Auntie Em said...

Those are cute! Love mug rugs.

Barb H said...

Very nice. Whoever gets them will love them. Better late than never, right?