New Name

UNDER THE ROSE has a new name its.......BY THE SEAM.
I had trouble with the old web address so thought it would be best to change it.
Thanks for coming by and please leave me a comment so I know that you were here. Marlene

March 9, 2012

Another Finish

I wanted to get this posted earlier but it has been one of those weeks and certainly one of those day. First to update the computer then the iTouch. My internet is not what it should be and took a total of 6 hours to update the iTunes/iTouch. Glad that is over with!

This is a Moda Bake Shop quilt that I made for a very dear friend of mine who had a new grand-baby arrive in August. I wanted to do something extra special for my friend so I made her daughter the quilt for the new baby. I have sent it out and it was well received. She even sent me a thank you card in the mail. People just don't do that very much anymore and it meant a lot to me. She did send a photo of the baby on the quilt as well. Always nice to see the baby on the quilt.

I loved making this quilt and it was just the one I needed to help me get back into the sewing mood again. I put a vintage sheet on the back of it. The pinks and the green were a perfect match.

Now I am off to relax a bit. I finished a quilt top tonight that I do not like but it turned out alright. Will post about that one after I finish it. I have another top to start first before I sandwich that one.

Have a great weekend.


Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Sounds like you've been busy!! The quilt turned out so pretty, and I love the vintage sheet on the back, it's the perfect touch. Any kind of personal mail is so rare these days, it makes a card or a note that much more special. Sounds like they loved the quilt! xo

grandmarockton said...


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Hi Marlene....thanks for stopping by to comment on the Summer Sampler. I appreciate it. These blocks were done as a QAL on here..if you like; I can give you the link to the blocks.

I like your new header..and what you have done to the page...but you don't have an email; not sure if you realize it or not.

Jocelyn said...

I LOVE this quilt!! And the vintage sheet is perfect!

Quiltluver said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the colors.

ITunes is terrible when it comes to updates. Why do they have to take so long to do??

Auntie Em said...

What a lovely baby quilt! The colors are gorgeous. So glad it was appreciated, too.

Unknown said...

It's a beautiful quilt, looks like spring & summer. It's happy looking! :)

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Hi again Marlene...thank you for your comment on the win. I have no idea what to make with it yet. It is so pretty and spring like...maybe table runners????